Volunteers are the backbone of the club that contribute in so many meaningful ways to the vision, activities, programs, and well-being of the Milwaukee Radio Amateurs’ Club. Though during Volunteer Recognition Month, November, we acknowledge these individuals who bring activity and vibrancy to the club, we’ve added an additional recognition, Member Of The Year to acknowledge a member who has contributed significantly to the well-being of the club.

Congratulations to Dean Berglund, KC9REN (2024)

2025 Nomination Committee: Rich Hawthorne, W9ABE*; Dean Berglund, KC9REN; Joe Schwarz, N9UX

Criteria for nomination to be considered is from one the following areas. 

  • A member in good standing who continually demonstrates a keen interest in educating hams or offering increased experience opportunities in the  hobby. Chairing functions like Ham Radio Boot Camp, Hams Helping Hams, Workshops or other significant educational efforts.
  • A member in good standing who shows a high level of volunteerism to the club to support functions or duties. Chairing committees or being actively involved in the planning and/or setting up club activities like Field Day, Swapfests, Maker Faire, Special Event Station, Membership, Marketing, or the Annual Meeting and banquet as well as functional duties such as Repeater/Technical.
  • A member in good standing who actively promotes amateur radio and the club’s mission through active participation at Swapfests, Maker Faire, or  interactions with media, school education or programs, public service or  community events, a unique service, or an idea that provides long term  benefits to the club.

Only club members in good standing may participate in the nomination process. Only one nomination per member will be accepted. In the event multiple entries are received from a member, all their nominations will be discarded.

The next nomination period is December 1, 2024 through the end of the January membership meeting, January 18, 2025.

Member of the Year