Waukesha County Fair

Sunday, July 21, 2024

10:00 am – 6:00 pm

This is an exciting day for the club to be facilitating a special event station in the community. Join us at the Waukesha County Fair, the largest and longest running county fair in Wisconsin, as multiple operators activate the Fair on HF and VHF throughout the day. Our prime location is near the back of the fair grounds in the agriculture area adjacent to the dairy barn…this is Wisconsin! Come on out and help us show fairgoers what amateur radio is all about.

Two educational components will also be shared with the public; portable satellite operation and Fox Hunting.

Advance registration for operators is necessary by July 6. All operators must wear MRAC logo gear (t-shirt or polo shirt) while in the special event station. Contact N9EEE@ARRL.net for information.