Ham Radio Boot Camp
for newly licensed amateur radio operators
Saturday, May 10, 2025
Information and Registration HERE
Annual Dinner Meeting
Saturday, April 19, 2025
Alioto’s Restaurant, 3041 N Mayfair Road, Wauwatosa, WI 53222
Information and Reservations HERE
Repeater, AllStarLink, and WiRES-X Users
Before you transmit, become familiar with our newly UPDATED guidelines.
Repeater Guidelines AllStarLink Guidelines WiRES-X Guidelines
Club Information
The Milwaukee Radio Amateurs’ Club, Inc. (MRAC) welcomes you to our website. The MRAC is one of the oldest, continuously operating amateur radio clubs in the world, having been incorporated in 1917 and is the oldest amateur radio club affiliated with the ARRL (The national association for Amateur Radio) since 1919.
MRAC operates a 2M repeater system on 145.390 MHz (-600kHz offset, 127.3Hz CTCSS) for both FM and C4FM with WIRES-X capability (Yaesu System Fusion). Weekly nets are held on Tuesdays (Rookie Net) and Fridays (2 meter Net). We also host the nation’s first “Fusion” Net heard throughout the Milwaukee area via the repeater or around the globe via WIRES-X on Saturday evenings. Please click HERE for more information on our club nets.
Join Our Fun
Hands-on projects are the foundation of amateur radio. Building one’s transmitter and receiver was necessary to getting on the air “back in the day.” Today, we work on antennas, test equipment, components, and yes, still we work on transceivers. The MRAC holds a monthly Workshop program designed to keep your hands busy, your mind active, and your interest high. Workshops are facilitated by Dean, KC9REN. For more information, visit Workshops. We hope you’ll join us. Also new this year, we have created a summer Fox Hunt program. Using the tape measure antenna and 4MHz offset attenuator built in the Workshop build-a-thons, we have taken to the field to “find the fox,” a low-power transmitter hidden in the bush and bramble. Feel free to join a team and learn how to Fox Hunt.
We also communicate off-the-air via Groups.io, a private email exchange among club members. You’ve heard of Yahoo! Groups. This is even better. Inquiries, invitations, information. The I’s have it. Subscribe today. (Note: this is limited to club members only).
Get On The Air
The MRAC holds monthly membership meetings for club business, ham radio-related presentation or discussion, and social gathering. In-person meetings have resumed on a new day of the week, new time, and new location: third Saturday of every month at 10:00 am at Ham Radio Outlet in their Meeting Room.
Saturday, March 15, 2025
Doors open: 9:00 am
Business meeting: 10:00 am
Presentation: “Understanding HF Digital Voice Communications” by Mooneer Salem, K6AQ
Zoom is available for this meeting:
Meeting ID: 873 0162 1302
Passcode: 534147
Breakfast Social before the meeting – 8:00 am at Park Place Cafe, 10843 W Park Pl, Milwaukee, WI 53224